For those who are interested, I will explain a little about what I have been doing at NorthernLight. NorthernLight is a exhibition design company (introduced to me via Inga), which designs exhibitions for mostly science museums, i.e. the Nemo. When I approached the company two weeks ago looking for a graduation project, they asked me to do some freelance work for them. They were bidding for two galleries in the new Macao Science Center, the Space and the Earth Sciences (Disaster!) Galleries, respectively. It was really amazing to witness and participate in the design and execution of the design proposal, especially the acceleration of the the project from start to finish (0-60 in 2 seconds). The project went from 3 people, to more the 30 at different sides of the globe, to done in the space of two weeks.
I spent my first two days there collecting possible relevant exhibitions to our project from a gigantic list of other science centers and museums. We also had a couple of meetings thinking about a unifying concept for the spaces regarding content and architecture of the building. I was working with only two others and the director of the company, so I felt like my ideas really contributed to the process. Suddenly, on the third day a content manager appeared and mysterious phone calls were being placed to 3D modeling companies to model the spaces. Then a couple of days later people in the office who were working on other projects suddenly started also working on the Macao project. On the last two days before the deadline, the original three became 99% of the office. I left early to catch dinner while most were still in the office working working in mysterious Word documents.
After the initial concept making meetings that could last hours, I finally received some individual work to make drawings for exhibits. We had to deliver 70% of our proposed exhibits in drawings and text. Here are some types of images I made:

I can't upload another example right now, so I will do it later. Anyways, now I have an appointment with them for next week to talk about a graduation project again, so I am back to where I started.
On another note, today I went to a lecture by Theo Janssen at the faculty of architecture. The room the lecture was in reminded me nostalgically of a small version of 26-100 (I had to ask Ellen to remember the name of this lecture hall. Has it been so long that I was at MIT??). His lecture was basically and extended version of all the other talks I have seen of him online. It was very inspiring though, evolutionary design which reminds me of my goal to learn more about cellular automata and generative design in general. I should start reading a New Kind of Science, which I stole from Jorn but haven't started reading yet.
Now I am busy with framing my graduation project proposal. This means way too much emailing and other boring things.
Upcoming events (in my boring life):
- Tonight! meisje's avond, invented by me and getting bigger and bigger.
- Lanna and friend visit Sat - Tues, dropping off a camera for me since my old one broke.
- Go to Monitor Sculptures curated by Linda who is going to Madrid soon (forever?).
- Christmas dinner/Naomi visits the following Sat for a week (!!!).
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