I am in the last stretch of my project. Just three more weeks and I will be graduating on Halloween. Now I am sitting in my office working on video analysis, procrastinating and dreaming of when it's all over. I made a list of things I have to do/after graduation resolution:
1. Bike to Brussels
2. Get off my fat butt and exercise/find a new sport to play
3. Get a job, go to job fairs
4. Finish my unfinished projects (that painting in the corner, make Maya model of my yo-yo design)
5. Practice cello in time for Jamaica
6. Write letters to those people with whom I have lost communication
7. Fix my portfolio and website
8. Participate in some design contests
9. Keep working on my project
10. Finish that PSS course
11. Figure out how to train my bonsai
*I can't remember the original item which inspired this list, so I will add it later.