Saturday, October 11, 2008

A Comment

One of the best things about the Netherlands is that people drink tea all the time. I remember that one of my first assignments upon my arrival at the TU Delft was to design a high tea set for offshore workers. Though the whole point of the exercise was oxymoronic, the idea that offshore workers would drink tea was totally baffling. So instead I designed a high coffee set. Now that I've lived here for two years though the idea of oil rig workers drinking tea is becoming more and more plausible. As I am writing this I am sitting in my office downing one cup after another between bathroom breaks. It works better than coffee because I don't get the jitters no matter how much I drink.

1 comment:

ellen said...

one of the best things about being sick last month was that i drank SO MUCH tea. i was SO hydrated. which, usually i forget to drink water.