Saturday, March 29, 2008

Naomi eating haring

almost there
Originally uploaded by raisin.detre
Hollandse Nieuwe Haring (herring) is the Dutch version of sushi. Most foreigners (and many Dutch people) dislike haring, due to the raw and pungent flavor of the fish, but I always make a point to eat one first thing on any given brack (hungover) Saturday. Knowing this, I warned Naomi of the fish and made the two of us have lunch before we ventured to the haring stand.

The following is why I love Naomi:
naomi: I can only foresee one problem
me: what?
naomi: I could really see myself becoming addicted to is very creamy.
naomi: I bet it goes really well with soy sauce

1 comment:

ellen said...

hehe. haring sounds grooooss!