Tuesday, June 3, 2008

New Regime

I started roller blading after I found a pair in my neighborhood thrift shop for 12 euros. The first time I skated, after 7 km I was totally worn out with blisters threatening to rip up my feet. I ended up taking a tram back home from Rotterdam CS instead of braving it back with Alexander. Today was my fourth time. I went skating with Bonny who skates like a champ. For some reason I keep going with people who hopelessly outclass me. The benefit though is that now I know how to make a circular stop and cross-overs while taking a turn.

After we were done skating, I tried on Bonny's rollerblades which made a world of difference. First of all, they are more than half times lighter than my skates and the wheels were so slick that I could barely skate without fear of toppling over. All this makes me reconsider my hasty decision to buy super cheap skates, especially now that I am picking at my blister as I write this.

Delft, especially the center, is not very good for skating. So I am finally being forced to explore the paved area around the city. It is relaxing to stand above a highway and skate through pockets of cow manure scent. I am still surprised and delighted by the sight of sheep trimming the grass on the sides of the highway.

So anyways, my new goal is to skate everyday for at least 45min. We'll see how long that lasts...It is really annoying to search for a new sport. I have been trying since I stopped fencing. It's run the gamut from badmiton, to cycling, to tennis, to swimming, to yoga, but I think this one might be a keeper.

I also went onto marktplaats.nl and scoped out a pair of skates I am buying second hand + protective gear (same model, different colors). They are a garish combination of orange and black, but it's not about the looks!!!! I am also selling my old pair on marktplaats...Now it seems like the skating fad has set in. Michel also bought a new, used pair of skates from the second hand shop where I found my original pair, and we will convince Fedde to dig his pair out of the closet when we go next.

New pair:

Old pair:

In other news:
Behind in my graduation project.
Behind in my job search.

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