Thursday, January 10, 2008

Inga and Jamie Oliver

Inga came over two days ago and taught me how to make a delicious snijboonen (runner beans?) and anchovies pasta. The recipe is memory modified recipe from one time she was watching a Jamie Oliver show while vacuuming. After some searching, I think I may have found it. The trick is to melt the anchovies into the oil, which infuses the pasta and runner beans with delightful anchovy flavor.

Inga's recipe (for four or more*):
2 cans of anchovies
2 garlic cloves, finely chopped
250 grams of runner beans
500 grams pasta
enough tomato sauce/cans/tomatoes
olive oil
salt and pepper to taste

1. Cut the runner beans into thin diagonal strips (0.5-1.0 cm wide). Finely chop the garlic.
2. Heat the oil in a pan, when hot, add anchovies and garlic. Stir in the anchovies until they mostly dissolve.
3. Add the tomato paste and stir well.
4. Add the runner beans and bring them to a boil within the tomato mixture.
5. Serve over pasta.

*With the four of us, I still had enough leftovers for 3.5 breakfasts/lunches

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